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Competitive Bidding Threshold Increased For Ohio Public Schools


When highlighting the important parts on your fiscal year budget, we understand that everything is important!

As of March 16, 2017, the Ohio Legislative Service Commission released a final analysis for Sub. S.B. 3 (Senate Bill 3) revising a very critical education provision that has been desired by many Ohio Public School districts in the past. This bill increases the competitive bidding threshold for Ohio Public School building repair contracts from $25,000 to $50,000. We believe raising  this  threshold  will reduce administrative and advertising costs for local school boards of education.

Visit the links below to learn more about this policy change and how it will affect any plans your school has or will have to build or renovate.

Ohio School Boards Association Competitive Bidding Fact Sheet

Sub. S.B. 3 Final Analysis

Ohio Revised Code (RC) 3313.46 Contract bidding process